martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013


·The curretn wich entrs the juntion is positive and the current wich leaves the juntion is negative.


·although there are 3 loops in this circuit,we only need to solve 2 of them.(tom and bottom loops).

·Yuo must decide the direction of the current,clockwise or anti-clockwise.

·I doesn´t matter wich direction yuo choose,but yuo MUST labell this on the circuit diagram.


·If a current passes throunga battery negative to positive,then the voltaje is positive.If a current passes, thronug a batery,posituve to negative then the voltaje is negative.


·Negative: to pasive, then this voltaje is positive.

·Positive: to negative, then the voltaje is negative.


·If yuo choose the same direction as the current and it travels throung a resistor= negative voltaje.

·If yuo choose the oppositive direction the current and it travel throung a resistor= positive/negative.

         Siempre estara esta compensacion

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